Oprah Winfrey's Family Life

  • Oprah Winfrey's parents are Vernon Winfrey and Vernita Lee. She also has 3 siblings. Their names are Patricia Lofton, Patricia Lee Lloyd, Jeffrey Lee. Oprah Winfrey's mother named her Orpah from the bible. However, she thought that the pronunciation and spelling was going to be too difficult to pronounce leaving her to change it to Oproh. She has gone from Oprah for almost her entire life

Oprah Winfrey With Her Mother
Oprah Winfrey With Her Mother
Oprah Winfrey With Her Long Time Partner
Oprah Winfrey With Her Long Time Partner

        Oprah Winfrey became pregnant at only 14 years old. Later she gave birth to her son. However he was born extremely premature and died in infancy. Oprah Winfrey's long term partner is Stedman Graham. She has been with him since 1986 however, she does not want to be in a marriage. Hence the reason she calls him his long term partner. Stedman Graham was born on March 6th, 1951. He is an american educator, an author, a businessman and a speaker. In countless interviews, Oprah Winfrey tells the interviewers that the 2 have thought of children and marriage but are not committed. I believe that Oprah Winfrey does not want any children due to personal experiences. Oprah Winfrey's dad is still alive at 87 years old however her mother died on November 22nd, 2018 at the age of 83.

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